Exact Metrology

Q: How would you describe your company's primary business? A: We are a solutions provider of both physical hardware and digital 3D data. Specifically, we...

GMTA – German Machine Tools of America

Q: How would you describe your company's primary business? A: GMTA is the North American division of Profilator GmbH located in Wuppertal, Germany. Profilator is...

Messer Cutting Systems

Q: How would you describe your company's primary business? A: Messer Cutting Systems is a global manufacturer of CNC thermal cutting machines. Our machines use...
cosen, hayden peterson, cosen saws, bandsaws

IMD’s Talking Shop with: Hayden Peterson of Cosen Saws

Q: How would you describe your company's primary business? A: Cosen Saws in an industry leader in industrial band saw manufacturing. Cosen North America was founded...


Q: How would you describe your company's primary business? A: Hypneumat provides high speed drilling and tapping units pneumatically, hydraulically or servo driven, as well...

York Portable Machine Tools

Q: How would you describe your company's primary business? A: York Portable Machine Tools manufactures and sells a full range of portable Line Boring machines,...
Amada Marvel

Amada Marvel, Inc.

Q: How would you describe your company's primary business? A: Amada Marvel focuses on developing and providing high-quality industrial grade band saws, ironworkers, material handling...
Rockford Systems

Rockford Systems, LLC

Q: How would you describe your company's primary business?
 A: Rockford Systems helps organizations interpret and apply complex Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations...


Q: How would you describe your company's primary business? A: While Suhner’s core business is still flexible shafts and power transmission products, Suhner also produces...
Actek Manufacturing

Actek Manufacturing

Q: How would you describe your company's primary business? A: Actek’s primary business has always been delivering high quality hoist rings when our customers need...
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