Amada Marvel, Inc.

Amada Marvel, Inc.

Q: How would you describe your company’s primary business?
A: Amada Marvel focuses on developing and providing high-quality industrial grade band saws, ironworkers, material handling solutions, band saw blades, and OEM parts.

Q: In brief, what is the history of your company?
A: Amada Marvel has an uninterrupted history of building metal cutting equipment since 1904. The company was started by the Armstrong and Blum families in Chicago, IL. The company was relocated to Oshkosh, WI in the 1980s. In 2004, a group of individuals purchased Marvel from Armstrong Blum. On July 31st, 2018; Amada Holdings purchased Marvel Manufacturing, Inc. now becoming Amada Marvel, Inc.

Q: How has your company changed through the years?
A: The company’s focus to provide the highest quality equipment and support in the industry hasn’t changed. However, our product lineup and drive to enhance machine technologies is ever evolving as we strive to provide the best solutions to our customer base. Amada Marvel has also developed multiple solutions through its production workflow to reduce lead times without affecting the quality of build.

Q: What have been some interesting applications of your products?
A: There are multiple unique applications we’ve seen over the years. One of the most rewarding is seeing customers more than triple their output with the addition of an Amada Marvel product. For example, Amada Marvel developed the 600 Bundle Saw 4 years ago. The 600 Bundle Saw was built to address the needs to cut large bundles up to 24” x 24”. With multiple unique features such as: full capacity hold downs, optional puller vise to reduce remnants, material slip compensation technology, a 10’ auto feed table, and much more, the 600 Bundle Saw has resolved several bottlenecks for steel service centers, as they seem to be more prevalent than ever.

Q: What critical issues do your clients rarely know they have or might encounter?
A: Multiple times a customer will request a specific product they have used in the past with the impression they need the same product. In many cases they are correct. However, there are several times our team can help them determine the product they need, which more than likely, will outperform what they’ve used in the past.
Another issue we consistently run into, more specifically in high production shops, is the need to address the bottleneck at the saw. Amada Marvel provides multiple options through material handling solutions to help improve production time and increase the material throughput.

Q: What do you want to see in the future for the industry?
A: Automation is playing an increasingly important role in the manufacturing process and Amada Marvel is a technology leader within the industry. Blending the intellectual properties of Amada Marvel will position the company to compete favorably into the future.

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