Solar Solutions

Every manufacturer should go solar in 2018. That may sound like a bold, overly broad statement to the average manufacturing business owner, and it’s...

Industrial HVAC Application – Thinking Outside the Box

HVAC systems play a crucial role in many industrial cooling applications. These systems – composed of cooling towers, chillers and air handlers – are...

Amp Up Packaging Productivity with Robots

The degree of complexity in consumer requirements is higher than ever. Paired with the booming domain of digital e-commerce amidst on-going supply chain disruption...
American Manufacturing

Empowering American Manufacturing

Sustainment is a groundbreaking technology company on a mission to revolutionize the American manufacturing industry. By developing innovative software solutions, Sustainment aims to empower...

Reverse Engineering

Step 1: Determine Intent. How will this image be used? Do I anticipate any changes? What are your tolerance requirements? All these questions are paramount...

Don’t MES with SCADA or MOM will be Upset!

The manufacturing industry is going through a digital transformation to keep up with the evolving market demands. The increasing demand for custom products, shorter...
robotic welding safety

From the Gun to the Robot… Supporting Safety in Welding Automation

Robotic welding systems continue to gain in popularity due to their ability to increase productivity, improve quality and decrease costs in the right application....
CDC Covid19 vaccination

Vaccination Guidelines

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued its first set of recommendations on activities that people who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19...

How to Prepare Your Manufacturing Business for an OFCCP Audit

For manufacturers that contract with the government, failing an OFCCP audit could risk your relationship with local and federal government agencies and result in...

A Return to the Pre-Pandemic Trend

In only three other years since 1998 have orders surpassed $2 billion by May. Manufacturers across the industry have expressed broadly positive sentiment, so...
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