KUKA Robots

KUKA Robots Play Key Role in University of Michigan NSF Grant Research

As part of a $2 million National Science Foundation Grant, robots from KUKA Robotics are helping the University of Michigan (U of M) advance...

The L.S. Starrett Comapny Introduces Electronic Digital Height Masters

The L.S. Starrett Company, a leading global manufacturer of precision measuring tools and gages, metrology systems and more, has announced the introduction of its...

Hexagon Metrology Unveils eLearning Portal HexagonMetrologyU

Hexagon Moves Metrology Education Beyond the Classroom Hexagon Metrology today officially unveiled HexagonMetrologyU, the first eLearning portal designed to engage and support the metrology industry. The...
starrett, FMM Force Testers

Starrett Introduces Innovative Digital Force Testers for High Volume Basic Production Testing

The L.S. Starrett Company introduced a series of Motorized Digital Test Frames for performing a wide range of basic, high volume in-situ lean manufacturing force...
clear-to-clear, dukane

Clear-to-Clear Plastic Welding From Dukane

NEW Laser Welding System to weld Clear-to-Clear plastic without laser absorbing additives Dukane Corporation introduces a new Laser Welding System that allows clear-to-clear plastic welding without...
robillard, guill

Guill Tool Names Brad Robillard as Sales Representative

Guill Tool Names Brad Robillard as Representative for Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky and Michigan   Thomas Baldock, Guill’s Sales Representative Manager, recently announced that Brad Robillard has...

Collecting Data – Why machine vision matters as part of your IIoT strategy

Review the marketing collateral from some machine vision vendors and you may conclude that machine vision is the single most important element of the...
Beckhoff EtherCAT Box

Beckhoff Introduces New EP7402 EtherCAT Box for Compact Conveyor Control

To enhance control and cabling efficiency for motor-driven roller (MDR) conveyor systems, Beckhoff Automation has released the new EP7402 EtherCAT Box. This compact controller...
Yaskawa Motoman - STEM Robotics Platform

Yaskawa Motoman – STEM Robotics Platform for Education & Workforce Development.

A general-purpose platform and a welding education cell are available. The new STEM Robotics Platform offers a selection of pre-engineered robotic solutions that meet the...
Starrett Rotary Table Spring Force Tester

Starrett Introduces High Throughput Rotary Table Springs Force Tester

The L.S. Starrett Company, a leading global manufacturer of precision hand tools/ gages, a broad range of force testing, metrology equipment, and more, has...
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