The MOLDMENDER Micro Welder repairs plastic injection molds, rubber processing molds, and die casting molds and dies made of steel.
Typical applications are parting lines, corners / edges, pin holes / scratches, machining errors, etc. Repairs are accomplished by producing interlinking spot welds to totally bond metallic ribbon, wire, paste or powder to the desired area of the workpiece. The equipment quickly repairs molds and dies using the same or similar materials as the work piece. There is virtually no heat, so shrink lines and other cosmetic defects are eliminated. Surface finishing may be done by EDM’ing, grinding, machining, plating, polishing, etc. to obtain the desired sharp edges or other contours.
The MOLDMENDER pays for itself by saving molds and dies. All units are shipped complete with accessories, repair materials, and instruction manual.
Click HERE to view full spec sheet.
For more information and a CD, please visit:
Or email:
110 So. Jennings Street • P.O. Box 1259
Sioux City, Iowa 51102-1259 USA
P: (800) 255-6046 • F: (712) 252-5619