Hi-temp Walk-in Oven From Grieve

No. 893 is an 850ºF, electrically-heated walk-in oven from Grieve, currently used for heat

treating parts on rollout shelves at the customer’s facility. Workspace dimensions of this oven

measure 54” W x 72” D x 78” H. 80KW are installed in Incoloy-sheathed tubular elements to

heat the oven chamber, while a 6000 CFM, 5-HP recirculating blower provides combination

airflow to the workload.

This Grieve oven has 8” insulated walls comprising 2” of 1900ºF block and 6” of 10 lb/cf density

rockwool insulation, plus an aluminized steel interior and exterior, top-mounted heat chamber

and three rollout shelves, each 48” wide by 60” long and rated at 200 lbs.

Controls on No. 893 include a digital programming and recording temperature controller, manual

reset excess temperature controller with separate contactors, recirculating blower airflow safety

switch, SCR power controller and fused disconnect switch.

For more information, please contact: THE GRIEVE CORPORATION, 500 Hart

Road, Round Lake, Illinois 60073-2835 USA. Phone: (847) 546-8225. Fax: (847) 546-

9210. Web: www.grievecorp.com. Email: sales@grievecorp.com. Attention: Frank
