Bruker Alicona at IMTS in Chicago: Manufacturing metrology gets smart

Bruker Alicona, a leading provider of high-resolution optical 3D metrology, will be exhibiting at the International Manufacturing Technology Show (IMTS) 2024 in Chicago from September 9 – 14. With innovative solutions that set standards in manufacturing metrology, the company will present its latest developments in the field of smart manufacturing metrology.

Highlights of the presentation

MetMaX: The new standard for automated measurement and evaluation

A highlight of the trade show is the presentation of MetMaX 4.0, the latest software version of Bruker Alicona. MetMaX sets new standards in automated measurement technology and offers a wide range of innovations that make production measurement technology even smarter:

Automated measurement strategies: MetMaX 4.0 enables the automatic creation of measurement strategies based on PMI (Product Manufacturing Information) data, which significantly speeds up and simplifies the measurement process.

Intelligent measurement planning: By integrating a digital twin, MetMaX offers intelligent measurement planning with collision avoidance and measurement simulation, which ensures more precise and reliable planning.

Round Tool Alignment: The rollout of the new version of MetMaX in spring also saw the introduction of a new software feature in measurement planning: Round Tool Alignment. This will take automation in the area of round tools to a whole new level. The operator plans the measuring positions of interest for edge rounding directly on the tool’s CAD. The next step is to clamp the tool and proceed with the measurement. An automated sensor routine recognizes the orientation of the tool and aligns it with the CAD data. This is possible thanks to the combination of an optical sensor, the automated nosepiece, and software intelligence to determine the orientation of the cutting edge. The 3D measurements and evaluations of the edge rounding are then carried out according to the positions defined on the CAD.

User-friendliness: A modern and intuitive user interface enables easy handling with virtually no training required, which increases user productivity and satisfaction.

Offline measurement planning: CAD data can be loaded, and measurements planned offline independently of the measurement system, enabling flexible and efficient software use.

Complete automation: Recurring measurement tasks can be fully automated, freeing up resources.

Hardware-Star FocusX

Bruker AliconaThe new FocusX measuring device was launched back in January, but it will make its first major American trade show appearance at IMTS. FocusX achieves what the market has long been waiting for: it makes high-resolution, optical 3D measurement technology affordable for a wide audience. The Advanced Focus-Variation, which gives Bruker Alicona a unique selling point in the entire metrology industry, enables measurements of GD&T features as well as roughness analysis of matt and glossy surfaces. Components with steep flanks, different reflection properties, and structured roughness can be displayed and measured in high resolution. But that’s not all: in addition to the Advanced Focus variation, the “Vertical Focus Probing” technology is also available for FocusX, which increases the maximum measurable flank angle to over 90°. However, Bruker Alicona has not only focused on the price argument in development but also on user-friendliness. And this is where FocusX scores particularly well with a new software feature: One Click Rough-ness. Experience over the last few decades has shown that roughness measurement in particular is perceived by users as complicated and restrictive. And “One Click Roughness” is just as simple as it sounds. With just a single click, FocusX delivers ISO-compliant profile roughness values, with the minimum measurable roughness being 0.06 µm.

Precision and versatility: µCMM and InfiniteFocus G6

The µCMM is the first purely optical coordinate measuring machine for roughness, shape and position. With a vertical resolution of less than 3 nm, it sets new standards in 3D measurement technology. Also on show at IMTS will be the InfiniteFocus G6, which impresses not least with its expansion options to 5 axes. In addition to its exceptional performance in production, the InfiniteFocus G6 enables offline measurement planning in CAD. Furthermore, an automation interface offers the possibility for fully automated measurements, making it an excellent choice for production environments. With a large measurement volume and robust design, it is ideal for industrial applications.

Collaborative robot for the smallest geometries on large components

A cobot rounds off the Bruker Alicona exhibition at the IMTS. Consisting of a collaborative 6-axis robot and a stable optical 3D measurement sensor, it delivers high-resolution, repeatable and traceable measurements even under production conditions. The handling, programming, and measurement of taught-in measurement series do not require any previous knowledge of metrology.

Thanks to these properties, the cobots are ideal for checking the surface quality and dimensional accuracy of workpieces in existing production environments. Users can precisely inspect the surface quality and dimensional accuracy of the smallest geometries on large components.

Smart PMI and digital twins

The integration of Product Manufacturing Information (PMI) into CAD models is crucial for precise production. Bruker Alicona’s solution offers seamless PMI integration that automates the creation of measurement strategies and optimizes the production chain. In addition, digital twins enable intelligent measurement planning and collision detection, increasing efficiency and safety in the production process.

Automation and user-friendliness

Bruker Alicona’s smart solutions are designed to take automation in production metrology to the next level. From simple teach-in to one-button solutions, the systems are intuitive to use and can be deployed with virtually no training. This not only ensures increased productivity but also an improved user experience.

Bruker Alicona’s representation at the Anca booth

The Bruker Alicona booth is not the only one where IMTS visitors can familiarize themselves with the Focus-Variation. Anca, a world-leading manufacturer of CNC grinding machines based in Melbourne, Australia, will be demonstrating the precision of its components directly on its booth with a Bruker Alicona measuring system. The EPX-SF, an advanced stream finishing machine for consistent micro-cutting-edge preparation and controllable nano-smooth surface finishing, will be on display. Anca has recognized that the technology of the Austrian measuring device producer is leading the way, especially for cutting tools, and will demonstrate this with live edge radius measurement.

About Bruker Alicona

Since 2019, the Austrian provider of industrial optical metrology Alicona has been under the patronage of the American Bruker Group. Founded in 2001, the company develops, produces, and sells measurement systems worldwide from its headquarters in Raaba near Graz. Over 90 % are sold abroad. Based on the technology of focus variation, Bruker Alicona closes a gap between classic coordinate measurement and surface metrology with its measuring devices.

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