Pinpoint Laser System Unique Bore Alignment Kit is Easy to Use on all Kinds...

Pinpoint Laser Systems is introducing a new precision Microgage Bore Alignment Kit for industrial applications.  This newest product is perfectly suited for aligning extrusion...

AWS Welding Sales Representative Certification Now Available Online

The American Welding Society (AWS) launched the first-ever online certification program for welding sales professionals this spring.  The certification serves to recognize experience, knowledge...

Virginia Veterans Agency Recognizes MSSC Certification

The Virginia Department of Veterans Services' (VA DVS) recent endorsement of the Manufacturing Skill Standards Council (MSSC) certifications greatly assists vets trying to reenter...

Mazak Optonics To Host Activity-Packed Automated Recovery Open House

Mazak Optonics is hosting an Open House that includes laser cutting seminars, a Mazak Optonics customer plant tour and a golf outing at a...

New Key Exchange Unit from Castell

Fully welded design reduces potential dirt and food traps Chicago, Illinois (April 5, 2011) – Key exchange units from industrial safety specialist Castell form part...


The J D Neuhaus company have a long established reputation for the supply of safe, reliable, low-maintenance handling equipment for chemical and other industries...

Hyster Awarded for Continued Safety; Sets Record

Hyster Company, an operating division of NACCO Materials Handling Group, Inc. (NMHG), has been selected by the North Carolina Department of Labor as a...

Hyster Company Raises the Standard

Hyster Company has unveiled its next generation of tough, highly durable and ultra-reliable electric lift trucks. The new Hyster® E30-40XN series delivers lifting capacities...

RathGibson Appoints Will Wolf as Chief Financial Officer

Mr. Wolf’s strong financial background is supported by experience that also includes a unique blend of General Management and Strategic Planning. In addition to...

Crenlo adds NEMA wall-mount enclosures to Emcor® product lineup

Enclosures protect electrical components from harsh industrial environments ROCHESTER, Minn. (March 9, 2011) — Crenlo, a Dover company (NYSE:DOV), is pleased to announce the introduction...
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