Green Valley Mfg Presents Customized Options TITAN Line

Green Valley Manufacturing Now Offers Customized Options for Titan Line

Green Valley Manufacturing is now offering several customized options for their popular Titan heavy duty steel industrial saw horses (work stands), including capacity, width, height, vertical adjustment, surface material and color. Capacity ratings are 500 lb. to 40,000 lb. per pair and can be designed to most any height and width configuration. Steel, lumber or poly (UHMW) surfaces are also available. The spring loaded suspension system allows for easy and unloaded work horse placement and a stationary style is offered as well.

Green Valley will be at FABTECH 2016 in Booth C46095.

customized options

About Green Valley Manufacturing
Green Valley Manufacturing is your industry leading source for quick die change (QDC), quick mold change (QMC), heavy load transport, handling, and storage systems. Our extensive engineering experience allows us to handle projects ranging from 250 lb. to 200,000 + lb. tools.  We service major automotive, aerospace, appliance, medical, and industrial equipment industries.

Our Titan brand line up of products include: single & dual station die carts, heavy load trailers, industrial free ranging transporters, die shuttles, die tables, rail cars, upenders, die & mold splitters, work (saw) horses, bolster extensions, die storage racks, ASRS (Automatic Storage Retrieval Systems), die lifters, coil carts, coil racks, coil handling equipment, platen and pre-roller brackets, and die common plates.

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