Industrial Machinery Digest (IMD) is the Industry’s Most Extensive Industrial Publication — since 1986. Industrial Machinery Digest | IMD is a monthly trade publication that serves the owners and managers of America’s most diversified job shops, machine shops, OEM/MRO’s, contract manufacturers, and manufacturing plants throughout the United States. This dedicated metalworking and fabricating audience is the driving force behind U.S. Manufacturing.
IMD | Industrial Machinery Digest reaches “Proven Active Buyers Guaranteed*” with up to a 10-year history of capital machinery purchasing. This exclusive audited research of our full readership provides a 97% accuracy rate and proves our readers continue to invest in capital equipment. This confirms your message is delivered to a proven audience each month.

Our partnership with EDA (Equipment Data Associates) enables us to audit with accuracy. The EDA data is independently audited by Verified® Audit Circulation. This accurate and formulated readership provides us with the most active buyers in the market today. Each month IMD | Industrial Machinery Digest reaches 30,000 plus dedicated readers. Our readership reach expands to over 60,000 plus across our platform of print, digital, pass-along rate, and social media outlets. We tag, post, track and archive each issue under the publication’s website with easy access twenty-four-seven three sixty-five access (24-7-365). You also have the option to view and download any of the issues for offline reading at your leisure as well. Please let us know if we can help in any other way.
In addition to our Business-to-Business qualified audience, Industrial Machinery Digest | IMD participates and distributes our publications to an average of 30 national and regional trade shows each year. This provides our clients |maximum exposure in the Manufacturing Market.
*Publisher’s own data with EDA
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